Environmental Engineering
Our Expertise
JVA’s environmental engineering department encompasses all aspects of water treatment and distribution and wastewater treatment and collection. Our expertise includes master planning, system modeling, asset management, engineering reports, treatment process design and optimization, and distribution, collection, storage, and pumping system design. We also have expertise in financial assistance, alternative delivery, construction administration, and start-up services.
JVA’s water expertise includes raw water diversions and transmission, pretreatment, groundwater and surface water treatment, chemical systems, booster stations, storage and distribution. We specialize in regulatory compliance for radionuclides, DBPs, lead and copper, groundwater dewatering, and community water systems.
Our environmental team has extensive experience permitting and designing wastewater treatment plants consisting of secondary processes including integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS), membrane bioreactor (MBR), sequencing batch reactor (SBR), modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE), oxidation ditch, lagoons, and conventional treatment. Additionally, our team has designed the first activated granular sludge (AGS), Nebula, and Algaewheel treatment systems in Colorado. JVA wastewater expertise includes collection systems, lift stations, headworks, treatment, disinfection, and biosolids handling and dewatering.
JVA administers successful construction projects through conventional design bid build, traditional design build, and Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) delivery methods. JVA has a unique approach to alternative delivery that to provides the most value and maximizes our Clients budget. In today’s bidding climate we have found CMAR as a very effective way to deliver a successful project.
JVA has a strong reputation for being creative when it comes to project funding. Often small and mid-sized communities do not have limitless, or even adequate, financial resources. JVA is well versed in the available State and Federal funding opportunities for infrastructure projects and generally takes the lead on the application process and administering the grants and loans once awarded.
JVA’s environmental engineering capabilities include: